If you aren't familiar with Thomarillion and you build fantasy or historical terrain for wargaming or tabletop RPGs then you should check them out! They have a plethora of detail bits that make your terrain more immersive...today however I am going to be focusing on some of their latest releases.
Starting things off we have the Gateguard (2 pieces) priced at 3.99 € ($4.41 USD). This is a high-quality ceramic casting that comes unpainted.
The Charburner Cottage is priced at 19.99 € ($22.10 USD), using hard foam and is produced by Ziterdes. The hard foam is lightweight and with a bit of care will last years. This foam is harder than Dow Blue Board or Pink Board insulation foam that many of you may be familiar with in the U.S..
The Ship Steering Wheel is another example of just how diverse their range is. Priced at 1.99 € ($2.20 USD) cast from metal (I am assuming lead free pewter given that is now the norm) it is the sort of piece that can save you a great deal of time when scratch building.
Looking for something a bit different? Perhaps something mechanical? The Machines Set (9 items) is priced at 34.99 € ($38.68 USD) cast from resin and come unpainted.
Having done business with Thomarillion over the years, I highly recommend them for the quality of their products and their great service!