<![CDATA[MacAttack001 - Gaming News]]>Tue, 25 Jun 2024 06:18:12 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Hasslefree Miniatures...]]>Wed, 19 Feb 2020 19:39:42 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/hasslefree-miniatures
​Some may notice that I deleted my previous post (which I was told was rather harsh).

That is the result of receiving not only my order but extra miniatures as a mea culpa.

As I have stated previously Hasslefree Miniatures produces great looking minis and I hope that they are able to get through their current difficulties. 

With that said, I do believe that I have a responsibility for the Links that I allow on this website. As such I cannot reactivate their link until such time that I am convinced that they restored their ability to provide timely service.

I do look forward to being able to once more recommend Hasslefree Miniatures in the future!

<![CDATA[Forsaken Lands]]>Mon, 16 Dec 2019 11:07:13 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/forsaken-lands
Archangel Design is about to wrap up a Kickstarter for their Forsaken Lands project, with less than 41 hours to go. This Kickstarter has a unique approach to the stretch goals, instead of fixed goals unlocked at pledge levels he has opted for a number of paths unlocked. Once the campaign is finished the backers get to vote on which paths will be included with the overall campaign via backer roulette. Currently, at $19,290 that means that two paths are unlocked with a third almost available.
The Cursed Tower is included with the core set, which by itself was enough to compel me to back the Forsaken Lands campaign. Being a Frostgrave enthusiast I can imagine this piece covered with snow and icicles, serving as the center piece of any table!

I went with the Holy Knight pledge level of $58 which gives access to all of the stretch goals that are unlocked and if I am not mistaken the Forsaken Caverns and the Spider's Lair (which will be great for venturing into the Underdark)!
So, I am all in...what about you?
<![CDATA[Time for a Sidebar?]]>Tue, 19 Nov 2019 11:35:05 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/time-for-a-sidebar
These days it seems that gaming mats are all the rage, I have purchased six to date. While I am going to craft one (more on that at a later date) for Jedha (for Star Wars Legion) I chanced upon The Fifth Trooper and their products. The one which stuck out for me is these Sidebars, as Legion only requires a 6'x3' play surface.
They are 6-foot by 6-inch mouse pad material mats that lay down along the table edge. Equipped with 18-inch measurements (very useful for deployment and objective placement) as well as delineated locations for unit cards. All in all clever and a useful item for those playing Star Wars Legion.

​I will be placing my order for a set in short order!
<![CDATA[Double Duty!]]>Mon, 18 Nov 2019 15:07:44 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/double-duty
Whenever I can get double duty out of terrain I am very pleased. At present I have been interested in the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game: Battle Companies. Which fits very nicely with my desire to run The One Ring RPG by Cubicle 7. Now if there was only terrain that would fit...
Enter Thomarillion with their Dwarf Columns Tumbled (7.99€) and Dwarf Columns (11.99€), perfect for setting up some Moria action!
Let me know what you think!

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<![CDATA[Are you going to...HELL???]]>Tue, 18 Jun 2019 06:44:47 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/are-you-going-tohell
Dwarven Forge wants to take your game to Hell, with their new Hellscape Kickstarter!

Living in the Golden Age of Gaming is tough, figuring out how you are going to allocate your funds on which awesome new product that is screaming for your attention. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dwarven Forge officially wants all of your money, as this beast is not a resident of Cheapside.

The Third Circle of Hell (painted and illuminated) is a quaint $1,875. Limited to 150 backers...at the time of this article...only 10 remain!

If you want All Hell Breaks Loose (painted and illuminated) well that will cost you $3,890. Which is limited to 100 backers...at the time of this article...only 50 remain!

Yes, their are unpainted versions for less, for those of us who are not independently wealthy.

Their Kickstarter is at $633,656 and fully funded with 829 backers. Interesting to note that they are going with a 16 day campaign, over the more traditional 30 day fund raiser.

If their last Kickstarter (Dungeons of Doom) is any indication where this one is headed they are looking at more than $3 million USD. Which is pretty impressive!
Even if you can't afford it, admiring their handiwork is absolutely free!
<![CDATA[Marvel-ing at it all.]]>Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:01:43 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/marvel-ing-at-it-allPicture
As I was watching the latest season of Jessica Jones, which dropped Friday on Netflix, I had this pang of nostalgia for the classic Marvel RPG which was produced by TSR. Going digging through my gaming library for the books, I was stunned to realize that somewhere along the way my original copies had gone missing. All that remained was a handful of supplements and the light blue folder containing my favorite character "Blackjack".

Google being what it is, on a lark I decided to do a search on "TSR Classic Marvel RPG" and there it was...

Classic Marvel Forever

This site is Amazing, with a whole host of resources to run games, including in the Download section all of the Basic and Advanced rules as PDFs! In no time at all, I had downloaded the PDFs and restored balance to my gaming library (although I may go looking for printed versions over on Ebay). Their collection of Hero stats is pretty mind boggling!

Anyway, if you want some classic Marvel greatness this is the site to go check out!

<![CDATA[Asian Buildings]]>Fri, 16 Mar 2018 01:27:30 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/asian-buildingsThe 3D printing craze is going strong and shows no signs of letting up. This particular gem is from 3D-Print-Terrain, they released the huge collection of WW2 buildings in their Normandy D-Day Kickstarter. Asian Buildings is a broad collection of Japanese and Chinese buildings from the Feudal Era. This Kickstarter is fully funded and at the time of writing has gone past the 2nd stretch goal (almost to to 5000 Euro mark aka #3) with 24 days remaining. The STL. files will be available in April (which he has been good about hitting his dates in the past).
I went for the 40 Euro pledge level, which while a good deal in and of itself, the stretch goals and the Samurai Houses pushed me over the edge. The Samurai Castle is stretch goal #4 and #5 Samurai Castle Outer Fortifications are the two that I am hoping we get to. So, if you have any interest in Feudal Japan/China I hope you will take a look at this Kickstarter!
<![CDATA[The Lost Islands]]>Mon, 12 Mar 2018 11:20:49 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/the-lost-islandsPrintable Scenery has a new Kickstarter, The Lost Islands, aimed at swashbuckling fans looking to add a broadside's worth of flare to their games! As usual, full disclosure I went with the Lost Islands All-In pledge, at the moment of writing it is fully funded with 363 backers and 20 days to go. I personally attest to the fact that Printable Scenery produces excellent STL files that print beautifully. I have never had a manifold problem with any file from Printable Scenery...period.

The first pledge level is The Lost Ships ($70 New Zealand about $51 USD), this includes two 28mm scale ships.

The Brig and The Sloop, along with the Longboat Skiff and the Rowboat.
Port Winterdale is the next pledge ($70 New Zealand about $51 USD), this does not include the Lost Ships. You do get the Lighthouse, Warehouse, Port Merchant, Port House and the stretch goals labelled Port Winterdale.

As you can tell, these buildings have loads of detail and character, certain to bring your gaming table to life.
The Lost Tribes pledge ($70 New Zealand about $51 USD), again does not include previous pledge levels. With this pledge you are getting the Tribal Tower, Bone House and Tribal Ramparts.
You can of course opt for the Lost Ships & Port Winterdale, Lost Ships & Lost Tribes, Port Winterdale & Lost Tribes  (each pledge is $120 New Zealand about $88 USD). Or, you can follow me with the Lost Islands All-In pledge for about $150 New Zealand ($110 USD).

Then there are the Stretch Goals!
For the All-In pledge you get the Free Bonus Items...

That is correct, you get the Frigate Mk2 and she is a beauty!
Estimated delivery is May 2018 and I for one am looking forward to it and seeing just how many Stretch Goals we can unlock!
<![CDATA[Tavern-Born: Raghaven Hamlet]]>Thu, 11 Jan 2018 16:15:04 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/tavern-born-raghaven-hamletHello again fellow gamers!

​Tis a new year and I bring you news of a Kickstarter by Hobgoblin-3D, Tavern-Born: Raghaven Hamlet. This fully funded Kickstarter is in the home stretch with just 30 hours remaining! 

I have had good experiences with the products that Hobgoblin-3D puts out, I am printing out a selection from their Graveyard of Grizliness at the moment. Their particular take on fantasy scenery adds to any gaming table and their pieces always have plenty of great detail.

Full disclosure I am invested in this Kickstarter, here tell that I am a "Barfly".

Obviously, you either need to have a 3D printer or be on good terms with somebody that has one. If you meet either of those criteria I would highly recommend this Kickstarter for you.
<![CDATA[3D Printed Tanks]]>Sun, 29 Oct 2017 09:03:01 GMThttp://macattack001.com/gaming-news/october-29th-2017A new Kickstarter caught my eye, 3D Printable Tanks by 3D Wargaming, these are 1:56 scaled tanks. With 18 days to go this project is fully funded and starting to work its way through the stretch goals. 

If you get the Tanker Ace you are going to get...

Tiger I
M113 APC
Formic AWC
LUX Sentinel (sci-fi walker)
Marauder Light Tank
Pillar MBT 
Guardian APC 

​as well as...
As a Bolt Action player the I can attest to the fact that the biggest cost is the tanks (scaled at 1:56). So, I was particularly pleased to find that the initial coverage of WW2 fighting vehicles is not shabby.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen the Panzer IV (long barreled variant) replace the Tiger I along with the Sturmgeschutz IV for the StuG. The StuG feels like an odd ball because there really are not a lot of mid war German tanks and the Panzer IV is simply much more prevalent than the Tiger I. With those nits picked, the Sd Kfz 251 is a real treat to have in this pack as a mechanized force in the 2000 point range for Bolt Action can be a strain on the wallet.
I would really love to see this project blow through all of the stretch goals. His approach to breaking down the models to get the best possible finishes with the least amount of support material is impressive.

Check out Greg's video for more information on that...
Want to see one of their 3D T34's assembled and painted?

Check out the video below!
Even though I have printed out some up scaled (1:100 original to 1:50) 3D printed tanks this Kickstarter project looks too good to let it pass by, so I went for the Tanker Ace pledge.

What about you?