3-class Corvette
Silhouette: 5
Speed: 4
Handling: -1
Shields: 2, 2, 2, 2
Armor: 5
Hull Threshold: 45
System Strain: 25
Hull Type/Class: Corvette/Raider
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 10
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Long
Ship’s Compliment: 15 officers and 77 enlisted crew
Encumbrance Capacity: 300
Passenger Capacity: 30
Consumables: 3 months
Price/Rarity: 3,200,000 credits (R)/8
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapons: Two dorsal turret mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 6, Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)
Two dorsal turret mounted single turbolaser cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2; Slow Firing 1)
Two dorsal turret mounted ion cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Ion)
Two proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc 1 Fore & 1 Aft; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 9, Slow Firing 1)
Forward-mounted medium tractor beam emitters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage -; Critical -; Range [Close]; Tractor 4)
Notes: The success and popularity of the Raider has prompted the development of a number of variants for more mission specific operations. This version of the Raider has external ventral docking points for six TIE Interceptors, to assist with anti-piracy and customs roles. At present there are 10 Raider 3’s deployed along the Rimma Trade Route, a 12 on the Corellian Run, and 11 on the Perlemian Trade Route conducting field trials.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of The Walt Disney Company, LucasFilm Ltd. and Fantasy Flight Games. Artwork is the personal copyright of MacAttack001 (aka. John A. Schmidt) and may not be copied without permission.
This document is not intended for sale.
Silhouette: 5
Speed: 4
Handling: -1
Shields: 2, 2, 2, 2
Armor: 5
Hull Threshold: 45
System Strain: 25
Hull Type/Class: Corvette/Raider
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 10
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Long
Ship’s Compliment: 15 officers and 77 enlisted crew
Encumbrance Capacity: 300
Passenger Capacity: 30
Consumables: 3 months
Price/Rarity: 3,200,000 credits (R)/8
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapons: Two dorsal turret mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 6, Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)
Two dorsal turret mounted single turbolaser cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2; Slow Firing 1)
Two dorsal turret mounted ion cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Ion)
Two proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc 1 Fore & 1 Aft; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 9, Slow Firing 1)
Forward-mounted medium tractor beam emitters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage -; Critical -; Range [Close]; Tractor 4)
Notes: The success and popularity of the Raider has prompted the development of a number of variants for more mission specific operations. This version of the Raider has external ventral docking points for six TIE Interceptors, to assist with anti-piracy and customs roles. At present there are 10 Raider 3’s deployed along the Rimma Trade Route, a 12 on the Corellian Run, and 11 on the Perlemian Trade Route conducting field trials.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of The Walt Disney Company, LucasFilm Ltd. and Fantasy Flight Games. Artwork is the personal copyright of MacAttack001 (aka. John A. Schmidt) and may not be copied without permission.
This document is not intended for sale.