Centurion Assault Shuttle
Silhouette: 3
Speed: 4
Handling: 0
Shields: 2 Fore, 0 Aft
Armor: 5
Hull Threshold: 30
System Strain Threshold: 22
Hull Type/Class: Shuttle/Centurion
Manufacturer: Hypertech Industries
Hyperdrive: None
Navicomputer: No
Sensor Range: Close
Ship's Compliment: One pilot, one co-pilot/EW operator
Encumbrance Capacity: 10
Passengers: 10
Consumables: Three days
Price/Rarity: 20,000 credits/6
Customizaiton Hard Points: 0
Weapons: Four medium laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3).
Twin light ion canons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion, Linked 1).
One nose mounted heavy blaster cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close])
NOTE: The Centurion is a very mission specific vessel, take troops onboard a capital ship in orbit and deposit them on a planet in a combat zone. At this particular mission the Centurion does it very well. While the Empire may employ more flexible drop ships, for systems that are too remote or not inclined to rely on the Empire, this is a cheaper alternative for them. More than a few of these have made their way into the hands of Rebels.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of The Walt Disney Company, LucasFilm Ltd. and Fantasy Flight Games. Artwork is the personal copyright of MacAttack001 (aka. John A. Schmidt) and may not be copied without permission.
This document is not intended for sale.
Silhouette: 3
Speed: 4
Handling: 0
Shields: 2 Fore, 0 Aft
Armor: 5
Hull Threshold: 30
System Strain Threshold: 22
Hull Type/Class: Shuttle/Centurion
Manufacturer: Hypertech Industries
Hyperdrive: None
Navicomputer: No
Sensor Range: Close
Ship's Compliment: One pilot, one co-pilot/EW operator
Encumbrance Capacity: 10
Passengers: 10
Consumables: Three days
Price/Rarity: 20,000 credits/6
Customizaiton Hard Points: 0
Weapons: Four medium laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3).
Twin light ion canons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion, Linked 1).
One nose mounted heavy blaster cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close])
NOTE: The Centurion is a very mission specific vessel, take troops onboard a capital ship in orbit and deposit them on a planet in a combat zone. At this particular mission the Centurion does it very well. While the Empire may employ more flexible drop ships, for systems that are too remote or not inclined to rely on the Empire, this is a cheaper alternative for them. More than a few of these have made their way into the hands of Rebels.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of The Walt Disney Company, LucasFilm Ltd. and Fantasy Flight Games. Artwork is the personal copyright of MacAttack001 (aka. John A. Schmidt) and may not be copied without permission.
This document is not intended for sale.