Speeder Bike
Silhouette: 2
Speed: 3
Handling: +3
Shields: 0
Armor: 1
Hull Threshold: 3
System Strain Threshold: 5
Vehicle Type/Model: Speeder Bike/Hammerhead
Manufacturer: Mandal Motors
Maximum Altitude: 200 meters
Sensor Range: Close
Crew: One Pilot
Encumbrance Capacity: 6
Passenger Capacity: 0
Price/Rarity: 6,500 credits/6
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapon: Forward-mounted triple heavy repeating blasters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 15; Critical 2; Range [Long]; Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1, Linked 2).
Note: Mandal Motors went with the twin ducted fans at the front of the speeder bike to provide far greater handling over traditional flight control vanes. The repulsorlift engine is the compact ZB-8 with more than enough power to make this speeder bike a real speed demon. In terms of performance the Hammerhead is at the top of it’s class, not only in terms of handling but operating ceiling and firepower. However it is only a single seater and the twin ducted fans at the front require the rider to wear a helmet and a flight suit. For those that want the extra performance and massive firepower though, it is a small price to pay.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of The Walt Disney Company, LucasFilm Ltd. and Fantasy Flight Games. Artwork is the personal copyright of MacAttack001 (aka. John A. Schmidt) and may not be copied without permission.
This document is not intended for sale.
Silhouette: 2
Speed: 3
Handling: +3
Shields: 0
Armor: 1
Hull Threshold: 3
System Strain Threshold: 5
Vehicle Type/Model: Speeder Bike/Hammerhead
Manufacturer: Mandal Motors
Maximum Altitude: 200 meters
Sensor Range: Close
Crew: One Pilot
Encumbrance Capacity: 6
Passenger Capacity: 0
Price/Rarity: 6,500 credits/6
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapon: Forward-mounted triple heavy repeating blasters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 15; Critical 2; Range [Long]; Auto-Fire, Pierce 2, Vicious 1, Linked 2).
Note: Mandal Motors went with the twin ducted fans at the front of the speeder bike to provide far greater handling over traditional flight control vanes. The repulsorlift engine is the compact ZB-8 with more than enough power to make this speeder bike a real speed demon. In terms of performance the Hammerhead is at the top of it’s class, not only in terms of handling but operating ceiling and firepower. However it is only a single seater and the twin ducted fans at the front require the rider to wear a helmet and a flight suit. For those that want the extra performance and massive firepower though, it is a small price to pay.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of The Walt Disney Company, LucasFilm Ltd. and Fantasy Flight Games. Artwork is the personal copyright of MacAttack001 (aka. John A. Schmidt) and may not be copied without permission.
This document is not intended for sale.