Thomarilion keeps putting out great products and I feel obligated in showcasing them here!
Catapulting to the number one spot is the Catapult, yeah I went there.
Catapulting to the number one spot is the Catapult, yeah I went there.
Coming in at 9.99 € (or $10.89 USD) with laser cut wood parts it is a relatively straight forward build and should be ready for you tabletop in short order.
Next we have The Dark Sovereign, also priced at 9.99 € (or $10.89 USD), ceramic casting is 60mm x 65mm (or 2.36" x 2.55"). It can certainly spruce up a spartan table.
Next we have The Dark Sovereign, also priced at 9.99 € (or $10.89 USD), ceramic casting is 60mm x 65mm (or 2.36" x 2.55"). It can certainly spruce up a spartan table.
Finally we have the Castle Fireplace, an essential when your adventurer's need to ward of a damp chill from a cool spring night. Priced at 5.25 € (or $5.73 USD) and constructed out of durable resin, it is certain to give that room a needed lived in feel.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Until next time!
Until next time!