Previously released in the USAriadna Army Pack, Corvus Belli has decided to put the Mavericks in their very own box set, of 2 miniatures. You get the Maverick Molotok and a Forward Observer with a rifle. (MSRP: 35.95 €, $40.10 USD)
Black Friars with Multi Rifle designed to defeat infiltrators and impersonators, they make a stylish addition to Pan O forces. (MSRP: 10.25 €, $11.43 USD) (1 Miniature/Pack)
The Imperial Agent Pheasant Rank armed with a Red Fury specializes in counterinsurgency ops, with her Chain of Command special skill she is a valuable addition to your Yu Jing Imperial Service. (MSRP: 10.25 €, $11.43 USD) (1 Miniature/Pack)
The Djanbazan Tactical Group gives you a selection of weapon options of these medium infantry from the Qapu Khalqi Sectorial Army. With their Multispectral Visor and Regeneration Special Skill they are not going to be push overs in combat. (MSRP: 35.95 €, $40.10 USD) (4 Miniatures/Box)
Corregidor Bandits, this new model brings to life the skirmisher infiltrator hacker...destined to give your opponents a real run for their money! (MSRP: 10.25 €, $11.43 USD) (1 Miniature/Pack)