There is a danger to making prognostications...invariably somebody will remember it and bring it up..."hey, remember when..." Well, a few years back I was in a game store that shall remain nameless when the owner told me with great certainty that Dwarven Forge was on the verge of going out of business. This was just when they (Dwarven Forge) had started their first Kickstarter and I was impressed with the number of backers that were flocking to it. I was not one of them, which has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of their product or even pricing. At that point I had invested so much money into Hirst Arts Castle Molds, that there was no point in switching.
Anyway...I digress the actual point of this posting is that they are still around and going strong...
Anyway...I digress the actual point of this posting is that they are still around and going strong...