Chapter 3 is devoted to Making a Hero, there is that word again...hero. You see this game is truly about hero's and nothing sums it up better than the following sidebar.
With only 47 pages devoted to Making a Hero, the process is very straight forward and easily accomplished by even novice players.
Action & Drama comprise chapter 4, this is the meat and potatoes of the game system and is a scant 37 pages. This system is very light on what is known as crunch, in gamer circles. In my opinion that is a good thing when you are trying to capture the excitement of cinematic works (i.e. The Three Musketeers, Pirates of the Caribbean, name but a few).
There are chapters dealing with Sorcery (24 pages), Dueling (4 pages), and Sailing (15 pages)...again a very light touch in regards to the rules.
Chapter 8 is all about Secret Societies (15 pages), covering The Brotherhood of the Coast, Die Kreuzritter, The Explorer's Society, The Invisible College, Knights of the Rose & Cross, Los Vagabundos, Mociutes Skara, Rilasciare, Sophia's Daughters, and Novus Ordo Mundi. Enough to start out with but as a GM one should never feel constrained by the choices of the game designers.
The final chapter is 9...Game Master with 24 pages that are actually worth reading!
I have to give this book high marks as I do believe it hits all of the pertinent pieces of information to get one started. The book is off to the printers and should be available as a PDF for purchase by non-Kickstarter backers very shortly.
If you are a fan of the swashbuckling genre this game is more than likely the one you have been looking for.